THRiVE has grown and evolved for for the last five years reaching several milestones and creating networks along the way.
Training Health Researchers into Vocational Excellence (THRiVE) was established in 2009 as a regional network of research excellence, including some of the best universities and research institutes in East Africa with support from two leading UK universities. We have built a robust network that has led to strong and productive collaborations in research, training and supervision, with more than 300 joint publications between THRiVE partners since 2010. Our network has also made concerted efforts to improve institutional capacity in research administration and management.
THRiVE Objectives
- To implement high-quality scientific research training aimed at producing research leaders in East Africa through joint North – South and South – South supervision and mentorship
- Conduct high impact scientific research that addresses African health research priorities through equitable (North-South) collaborative research that conforms to international standards and guidelines
- To Implement public engagement programs in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda that promote understanding the value and use of science among the lay public, policy makers, civil society and secondary school students
- To cultivate professional environments to manage and support scientific research
THRiVE funding has empowered African institutions to develop their infrastructure and their administrative and scientific staff capacity to support and lead world-class research programmes.
THRiVE has offered outstanding young researchers (post-graduate and post-doctoral fellows) the opportunity to be mentored by committed teams of scientific advisers. Many academic institutions in sub-Saharan Africa face significant challenges with regards to information technology and laboratory infrastructure.
THRiVE has been committed to improving internet access and capacity through the development of enhanced electronic communication systems and websites. In addition while members have a range of laboratory facilities, further strengthening has been done, particularly for those institutions impacted by regional distress including northern Uganda (Gulu University) and University of Rwanda. Rather than building new facilities, focus has been on upgrading existing laboratory infrastructures. THRiVE’s aim is to enhance governance and research management by strengthening institutional systems like ethical review boards.

Makerere University’s 67th graduation ceremony that took place on 22nd February 2017 is yet to see eight THRiVE fellows graduate with a Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in their respective disciplines. see details bellow

March 2016, A team from Accelerating Excellence in Science in Africa (AESA) made a site visit to Makerere University College of Health Sciences, THRiVE’s prime institution. The purpose of the visit was to Clarify Role of AESA in the implementation and management of the DELTAS Africa programme

The Smart campus is transformed into a military training center, and laboratories are used to conduct research in support of the war effort. Captain John Simons and his band’s weekly broadcasts from Bromley Hall are heard by citizens and troops around the world.

THRiVE held its Annual General Meeting at Makerere University, Kampala Uganda.