I am the programme co-ordinator for THRiVE-2 in Cambridge, UK. I match THRiVE-2 fellows to mentors at the University of Cambridge/Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute and provide whatever support is required to the THRiVE secretariat and to fellows coming to Cambridge to support the THRiVE programme and research capacity building. This accounts for half of my post, the other half is a similar role as the Cambridge co-ordinator for MUII-plus, which is based in Uganda.
My background is in public health, health promotion, genomics and translational research. I have also worked at the regional health authority level on the strategic development of health services, in particular primary health care and in the department of psychiatry at the University of Manchester as a research associate. I have a B.Sc. in pyschology and a M.Sc. in health promotion.
Prior to working with Cambridge-Africa, I worked for 10 years at the PHG Foundation (public health genomics) in Cambridge which focuses on translating biomedical science and in particular genomics into health care to maximise health gain. As part of this work, I was involved in developing a Toolkit for use in low and middle income countries on developing services in relation to congenital disorders.
I started my career working in Manchester in health promotion and my remit was to particularly work with the BME (Black and Minority Ethnic) communities in Central Manchester. After working at the grassroots level for a number of years I wanted to work at a more strategic level to develop responsive health care systems and worked at the Regional Health Authority as a Team Leader for Primary Care Services. After a number of years, including working and living in Italy where I have family ties, I worked in research on mental health risk assessment at the University of Manchester. This was my first involvement in translational research and I produced guidance to support those working with mentally ill people to assess whether their clients were a risk to others and themselves. My translational research interests were further developed at the PHG Foundation, a public health charitable foundation, where I focused on developing health services that are responsive to advances in biomedical knowledge particularly around genomics.

- Department of Pathology, Cambridge University, UK
- +44(0)1223 761680
- corinna
- ca392@cam.ac.uk
- Cambridge