For some 25-years, Prof. David Dunne has carried out field-based research on human schistosomiasis in disease endemic rural areas of Africa, in long-term partnership with colleagues in Uganda, Kenya and Mali, and more recently collaborations also in Ghana, Gabon, and Tanzania with Programme funding from the EC and Wellcome Trust. We integrate this field-based work with molecular and genomic techniques in a wide-ranging multi-disciplinary approach to the understanding of schistosomiasis and other human parasitic diseases.
- National Academy of Engineering
- Fellow of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
- American Society for Engineering Education
- Research, teaching, and public service, honorary doctorates
- Benjamin Garver Lamme Medal of Engineering Education
- American Society of Mechanical Engineers
David Dunne is also the Director of the Wellcome Trust-Cambridge Centre for Global Health Research & Cambridge-Africa. Senior Research Associates: Colin Fitzsimmons
Research Associates:Angela Pinot de Moira and Ed Farnell
Research Assitant:Jakub Wawrzyniak
Chief Research Laboratory Technicians:Frances Jones, Maureen Laidlaw
Graduate Students:Sam Hall (joint with Prof Anne Cooke), Goylette Chami (joint with Andreas Kontoleon, Dept Land Economy), Florian Sessier (joint with Matt Berriman, Wellcome Trust Sanger Genome Institute).
Visiting scientists:Robert Tweyongyere (Uganda), Harriet Mpairwe (Uganda), Humphrey Mazigo (Tanzania)
Wellcome Trust-Cambridge Centre for Global Health Research coordinator:Pauline Essah Cambridge-Africa Partnership for Research Excellence (CAPREx) Carnegie Coordinator: Jenny Mackay

- Dept Pathology, Tennis Court Rd, Cambridge, CB2 1QP
- +44 (0)1223 333326
- Cambridge University