Mbonye is an experienced social science researcher with a keen interest in HIV research. He has been involved in HIV/AIDS research for the last 10 years and has been a project leader on various social science studies at the Medical Research Council (MRC) sites in Masaka and Jinja. His research has contributed valuable knowledge and insights to understanding the behavioral and social aspects of HIV among various categories of people living with and affected by HIV.
Mbonye is currently pursuing his PhD at Makerere University and his research is focusing on the role of masculinity in the health seeking habits of male partners of female sex workers in Kampala. This is because men who engage with sex workers face a dual risk due to sexual relationships they develop with women who are at high risk of HIV infection as well as women in the general population. Therefore, his research seeks to cast light on men’s behavior in terms of risk of acquisition of disease and treatment
He holds a bachelor’s degree in Social Work and Social Administration and a Masters of Sociology from Makerere University.
In 2016, he won a research grant from the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI) to investigate the willingness of fishing populations to have their finger prints captured as a tracking mechanism for future HIV research. In the same year, he was nominated and selected to be a member of the International AIDS vaccine initiative social behavioral research group.

- Makerere University College of Health Sciences, Kampala Uganda. P.O.Box 7072
- +256 (0) 773089613
- martin.mbonye@mrcuganda.org