Dr Skilton is Head of the Capacity Building and Institutional Development Programme. The programme provides support to postgraduate students, postdoctoral fellows and African higher education and scientific research partners to build their capacity to conduct and lead research in insect and related sciences.
Rob Skiliton
member pptc
Dr Skilton has developed and delivered biosciences training courses in Africa, Europe and Asia, and has published widely in refereed journals, book chapters, and conference papers.
He holds a PhD in molecular parasitology from the University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa. He has wide research experience in agricultural biosciences, including disease diagnostics and epidemiology, animal vaccine development and crop improvement, plus more than nine years experience in capacity development of scientists and research institutions in Africa.
Dr Skilton is author or co-author of over 60 peer-reviewed scientific publications.

- International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (icipe)
- +254-20-8632000
- robskilton
- rskilton@icipe.org
- icipe