Dr Caroline Trotter

Dr Caroline Trotter

Keynote Speaker

Dr Caroline Trotter is an infectious disease epidemiologist with a particular interest in vaccine evaluation. She uses a variety of methods, including field studies, observational studies, mathematical modelling and cost-effectiveness analyses. She works with Public Health England and the World Health Organisation on research questions of relevance to national and international vaccine policy.

Her research concentrates on bacterial meningitis, and meningococcal carriage and disease in particular. She is a member of the African Meningococcal Carriage Consortium which investigated patterns of transmission and the impact of MenAfriVac – a tailor made vaccine for the African meningitis belt. Other recent research has examined the potential impact of investment in rabies post-exposure prophylaxis in Gavi-eligible countries. In October 2018 she was appointed as Academic Director of Cambridge-Africa, a programme of coordinated initiatives which seek to enhance opportunities for training, mentorship and collaboration between Cambridge and African researchers


  • Research methods, including field studies, observational studies, mathematical modelling and cost-effectiveness analyses
  • Policy

