Month: January 2019

MRC/DFID African Research Leader scheme 2019

The UK Medical Research Council and the UK Department for International Development announce a further call for proposals for the prestigious African Research Leader awards. This MRC/DFID jointly funded scheme aims to strengthen research leadership across sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) by attracting and retaining exceptionally talented individuals who will lead high-quality programmes of research on key […]

THRiVE Graduates Two PhD Fellows
Building Research Leaders

As Makerere University is holding its 69th graduation ceremony, THRiVE is happy to have fully supported two out of seven grandaunts for a Degree of Doctor of Philosophy from the college of Health Sciences. Dr. Bwogi is a research officer and Head EPI Division at the Uganda Virus Research Institute in Uganda. Her research on […]

Mwanza Research Methods Course

MWANZA RESEARCH METHODS COURSE 2019  This is a two weeks research methods course suitable for health researchers, social scientists and students undertaking professional training (MSc, MMed, MPH, and PhD). Facilitators for this course are highly experienced researchers from the Tanzania National Institute for Medical Research (NIMR) Mwanza Centre, Mwanza Intervention Trials Unit (MITU) and the […]