Month: March 2022

THRiVE Newsletter March 2022

Dear Reader, Through different communication channels like this newsletter, our website emails, social media, workshops, and progress review sessions, THRiVE has repeatedly notified her stakeholders regarding the imminent end of our DELTAS – 1 grant funding in July 2022. At all levels, we must avoid late andincomplete submissions of required documents from both the prime […]

Prof. Sewankambo charms online listeners with moving talk

RACHEAL NINSIIMA It was a virtual audience of over 600 people. The occasion – seventh series of the Association of Surgeons of Uganda mentorship talk. The speaker – Prof. Emeritus Nelson Sewankambo. The topic – ‘Living a life of significance and building a lasting legacy.’ At 3:30PM, the prayer drum rolled and the show started. […]