In a bid to stimulate research excellence and progression to research leadership, THRiVE-2 plans to provide research career development awards to very promising researchers in the Consortium, composed of Gulu University, Kilimanjaro Christian Medical College, Makerere University, National Institute of Medical Research- Mwanza, Uganda Virus Research Institute and International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology, University
of Cambridge and London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
The main objectives of the awards are to:
- Foster collaboration between THRiVE institutions and staff
- Encourage sharing of specialized tools and equipment, knowledge and expertise within the THRiVE network
- To support innovative research projects in one of the three, THRiVE thematic areas to generate data and
publications that will support development of bigger competitive grants applications. The THRiVE thematic
areas are (a) Infectious diseases/neglected tropical diseases (IDs/NTDs) (b) Maternal, neonatal and reproductive health (MN/RH) (c) Non-communicable diseases (NCDs). - Encourage the production and submission of joint proposals to other research funders
The career development awards will enable a researcher from a THRiVE institution to conduct preliminary research and obtain data, leading to a peer reviewed journal publication and development of a bigger grant application. This should be a joint research proposal with at least one investigator from each of a minimum of two THRiVE institutions. There are ten (10) grants (a maximum of £10,000 each). Workshop, research, travel and
some personnel costs (a maximum of 20% of total project budget) may be requested.
Grants awarded will be managed by the finance office of the principal applicant’s institution.
APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS: The principal applicant from one of the above African THRiVE institutions must
submit the following documents:
- A one-page CV of the Principal applicant/investigator outlining this/her research interests and previous
grants held - Application of two to four pages which should include a brief summary/background, proposed
approach/methods, expected outputs and potential impact, a description of the expectations for future
fundraising, and up to 10 key references. - Name(s) and one-page CV of each of the proposed collaborator(s) in another THRiVE institution, and
including grants held. - A budget for the proposed research for the career development award
APPLICATION DEADLINE: Send your application to the THRiVE Consortium Secretariat at Makerere University by 30th June 2017 (, +256 414 530021).
QUESTIONS: In case of questions please contact the THRiVE consortium Secretariat at Makerere University by 30th June 2017 (, +256 414 530021).
THRiVE Consortium