Equipment Grants

THRiVE has awarded equipment grants to PhD fellows and other researchers allow them acquire equipment that are useful for their research activities

Florida MuroPhD fellow
Title: “Causes and predictors of acute respiratory infection in children at varying malaria transmission intensity in Tanzania”
Equipment: Camera, Spot lights, Voice recorder, GPS, Digital Room Thermometer, Oximeter, software (Stata version 12, Stat/ transfer, Nvivo and ArcGIS software)
Josephine BwogiPhD fellow
Title:“Rotaviruses in Uganda: Molecular epidemiology and potential of zoonotic transmission”
Equipment: Thermal cycler gradient, Printer and laptop
Reginald A. KavishePostdoc fellow
Title:“Trends in chloroquine and SP resistance following drug policy change in East Africa”
Equipment: Gel electrophoresis equipment, Multidispenser pipette, ELISA reader, Desktop computer and printer
Dr. Robert LukandeResearcher, Makerere University
Equipment: Binocular microscope, Rotary Microtome, Paraffin wax dispenser, Hot air oven
Sabina Wangui WachiraPostdoc fellow
Title: “Exploiting mosquito phytoceuticals for malaria control”
Equipment: Insect Growth Chamber



  • 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
  • Makerere University College of Health Science Conference Room
THRiVE PhD Defense: Martin Mbonye
Apply for THRiVE MSc and Internship Fellowships 2017