THRiVE Magazine 2022

THRiVE Magazine 2022

Prof. Nelson Sewankambo
Prof. Nelson Sewankambo

Dear Reader,
We at THRiVE secretariat greatly appreciate you taking time to read this magazine which commemorates the close-out of DELTAS-1 funding support to our consortium. The magazine captures some of the actors and most memorable moments in our journey to build research capacity in the region.

We greatly appreciate all the support and guidance rendered to THRiVE over the years. Your contributions have made THRiVE to produce high quality scientific products. This progress has been possible because of the very promising trainees that THRiVE faculty have mentored so well. Thank you to all the faculty.

I invite you to familiarize with our different activities and outputs carried out in the last six years. You can access this information through the scientific publications in peer-reviewed journals; THRiVE website; our social media channels (Twitter – @THRiVEDELTAS and YouTube – THRiVE YouTube Channel ); public media and scientific meetings.

Our next phase is to build THRiVE Consortium as a sustainable consortium of excellence through different partnerships. I hope you will enjoy reading this special edition magazine which looks back at THRiVE-2 DELTAS-1 achievements; highlights of research undertaken by the different fellows and community and public engagement projects that facilitated research uptake and use among non-scientific audiences.