Year: 2019

Queen Elizabeth visits
THRiVE Newsletter issue 3

Message from the director  At THRiVE Secretariat we believe in changing the world. We share that vision with our fellows, alumni, researchers, partners and stakeholders. We welcome them to share ideas on how they challenge the status quo by applying new or adapted ground-breaking ideas to improve health and well-being of people in need. We […]

AAS-INORMS Travel Grant

The African Academy of Sciences is awarding 10 travel grants to research managers and administrators in Africa to attend the INORMS 2020 conference. The conference provides the opportunity to meet, learn and discuss issues of research management and to develop professionally through networking. The Research Management Programme in Africa (ReMPro Africa) is an initiative of […]

Research Methods Course
Mwanza research Methods Course 2019

This is a two weeks research methods course suitable for health researchers, social scientists and students undertaking professional training (MSc, MMed, MPH, and PhD). Facilitators for this course are highly experienced researchers from the Tanzania National Institute for Medical Research (NIMR) Mwanza Centre, Mwanza Intervention Trials Unit (MITU) and the London School of Hygiene & […]

THRiVE fellow defends his PhD research

Gerald Mboowa a THRiVE PhD fellow successfully defended his PhD before a fully packed videoconference room on 24 August 2019 at the Makerere University College of Health Sciences. Gerald is one of the sixteen PhD fellows supported by THRiVE and his research has been on “Functional Host-Genetic Loci associated with Paediatric HIV-disease progression in Uganda […]

THRiVE in the News

Dear Reader, This year, 2019, marks half a century since that incredible feat when the first astronauts landed on the moon. This happened because a group of thinkers (scientists, technocrats, policy makers and politicians) in the USA had a vision and planned how to achieve it. Similarly, Africa has a vision. Agenda 2063 which is […]


THRiVE holds an annual scientific conference which is intended to review the program and scientific progress in a particular year. These meetings rotate within the African partner institutions (Gulu University, Kilimanjaro Christian Medical College, National Institute of Health mwanza, Makerere University, International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology and Uganda Virus Research Institute). It’s during […]

THRiVE in the News

Message from the Director THRiVE-2 commends its fellows for writing nearly all articles in this issue of THRiVE News. Some researchers, however, have no drive to write articles for this newsletter. Yet, sharing ideas, research findings and experiences is a key aspect of good science and it is beneficial to researcher and the readers. The fellows’ […]

THRiVE-2cfellowships 2019
THRiVE 2019 Fellowship Opportunities

In a bid to stimulate research excellence and progression to research leadership, THRiVE-2 plans to provide research opportunities to very promising researchers in the Consortium, composed of Gulu University, Kilimanjaro Christian Medical College, Makerere University, National Institute of Medical Research-Mwanza, Uganda Virus Research Institute and International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology, University of Cambridge and London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. . Bellow are the […]


THRiVE to RESEARCH EXCELLENCE (THRiVE-2) OPPORTUNITY FOR CAREER DEVELOPMENT AWARDS (3RD INTAKE) THRiVE-2 will provide 5 (Five) research career development awards to very promising researchers in the Consortium, composed of Gulu University, Kilimanjaro Christian Medical College, Makerere University, National Institute of Medical Research-Mwanza, Uganda Virus Research Institute and International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology, […]

Call for Abstracts
DELTAS Africa Call for Abstract

2019 DELTAS Africa AGM and Scientific Conference The DELTAS Africa health research leadership capacity development programme will convene its Third Annual Grantees Meeting and Scientific Conference from July 15-18 at the King Fadh Hotel in Dakar, Senegal. The Conference will provide a platform for DELTAS Africa Fellows and researchers at the Masters, Doctoral, Post-Doctoral and […]